All your photos
Clear galleries to enlarge full-screen with one click
Your new site works on desktops, laptops, ipads and all phones.
Super fast
Happy customers and super Google score.
Clear navigation
No one leave the house without a booking.
In 7 languages
With handy links to DeepL and Google translate.
High in Google
Thanks to error-free code and built-in SEO optimisation technique
Everything included
Map, form, availability calendars, search bars and direct booking buttons.
Show calendars with availability, automatically synchronised.
Direct bookings
No commission! Instant bookings, payment processing, synchronisation with AirBnb, and all other OTAs
No vendor lock-in
Hosting included, or your provider, with or without domain name. Booking system transferable to any editor.
Your rules
You are the boss, you set the rules on your own site.
Completely flawless, everything works and continues to work.
You only pay when you are satisfied.
You only pay when you are satisfied.
Copyright © 2024 - All rights reserved | version 0.5.26 est un service de:
LaDauze SAS, 24350 Montagrier, France
RCS Périgueux : 511 306 789 | TVA : FR15511306789
SAS au capital social de 10.000 euro